
I'm Khadija Batool Gardezi

Transforming ideas into digital wonders, one pixel at a time.

So, who am I?

Experienced Software Engineer crafting functional apps,
Designing templates, and managing CMS with finesse.
As Google DSC Lead, Microsoft Ambassador, and
GitHub's First female Campus Expert,
I empower young minds and diverse tech's burst.
Passionate about startups, nurturing their digital dream,
And women in tech, equality's gleam.
Delivering excellence and advocating for all,
Let's collaborate, create, and stand tall.

Passionate Software & Email Developer

I really enjoy solving problems with code, and it feels amazing to create something that can solve a specific issue. That's why I'm fascinated with email, even though it's an old marketing tool with many limitations. It motivates me to work harder, research, and come up with innovative ideas to push the boundaries of what can be done with email.

I'm someone who takes initiative and actively works on personal projects during my free time. I'm organized, methodical, and my colleagues describe me as energetic, reliable, and excellent at finding solutions. I'm always there to support and assist my co-workers whenever they need me.

Skills & Technologies

  • Client-side: HTML5, Twig, CSS3, SASS, Bootstrap, Tailwind, jQuery, JavaScript, ReactJS, NextJS.
  • Programming language: PHP, Python, Java.
  • CMS: CraftCMS, Webflow, WordPress.
  • Systems: Mac, Linux (Ubuntu), Docker.
  • Database: MongoDB, Firebase, Supabase, Postgres.
  • Version Control Systems: Git, GitHub.
  • Email marketing platforms: Marketo, Mailchimp.

Companies I've worked with



Movix is a web app designed for movie and TV show enthusiasts.


OnmiFood, here to serve you great food!

My Alphabet

OnmiFood, here to serve you great food!


Get in touch with me khadijagardezi5@gmail.com

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